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Improve Efficiency with Chiller Systems and Cooling Towers

Chillers play a crucial role in many facilities’ HVAC systems, ensuring the comfort and functionality of your space. As part of your cooling system, they consume a significant portion of your energy. Optimizing your chiller system for high efficiency not only reduces your energy costs but also promotes a more sustainable operation.

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Chiller Systems - Inovis Energy

Detailed Explanation of Chillers and Cooling Towers

Chillers remove heat from a liquid using a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. Once chilled, the system circulates this liquid through pipes, cooling and dehumidifying the air in your facility. Cooling towers, acting as specialized heat exchangers, then cool the water that the chiller brought in. Efficient systems combine high-performing equipment, optimized design, and sophisticated controls for maximum effectiveness.

The variety of chillers available—centrifugal, reciprocating, screw-driven, and absorption chillers—each offers different efficiency levels. They best serve different types and sizes of facilities.

Benefits of Efficient Chiller Systems and Cooling Towers

Efficient chiller systems and cooling towers can result in substantial energy savings, improved system reliability, extended equipment lifespan, and a reduction in your facility’s carbon footprint. They can also improve the comfort of occupants and the performance of temperature-sensitive equipment.

How Chiller Systems and Cooling Towers Work

The process begins with the chiller cooling water. The system pumps the chilled water through coils to cool air in the facility. The warmed water returns to the chiller to begin the cycle again. Meanwhile, the cooling tower rejects the heat absorbed by the water, keeping the chiller’s condenser temperature low for optimum efficiency.

Industries Benefitting from Efficient Chiller Systems

Whether your facility is a large commercial building, an industrial plant, or a hospital, upgrading your chiller system can have a substantial impact on energy savings and system performance.

Inovis Energy's Chiller Upgrade Process

Our process begins with an energy audit to assess your existing chiller system. From there, we design an efficient system tailored to your facility and oversee its installation. Post-installation, we continue to monitor and maintain your system to ensure optimal performance.

Financing Options for Chiller Upgrades

Upgrading to a high-efficiency chiller system can be a significant investment, but one that pays off over time through energy savings. Financing options, rebates, and incentives are often available to help offset these initial costs.

Contact Us for Chiller Upgrades

Start your journey towards improved cooling efficiency today. Contact Inovis Energy to discuss your chiller system upgrade.